Designed for kitchens where extract hoods with high efficiency grease extraction and supply air is required. The canopy is equipped with TurboSwing filtration but is accompanied with ozone-free UV-light to maximise grease separation.
Grease removal is carried out predominantly by the TurboSwing filter operation. However, once this process is complete the purified air then flows through the catalyst coated chamber where the ozone free UV-light transforms the remaining grease to carbon dioxide and water.
UV-Turbo can be used for kitchens with heat recovery or varied airflows typical of a demand controlled kitchen ventilation system (DCKVS). The high efficiency grease separator maintains efficiency at even low airflows.
UV-control can be added to monitor and adjust rotation speeds, view UV light operation and life span, send out alarm notifications on operational failures and integrate with BMS systems.
Ozone free UV catalyst-coated chamber converts any remaining grease to carbon dioxide and water allowing clean air to be exhausted into the ducts.
Product applications
- Grease Removal
- Odour Control
- Ozone Free
- Varied Airflows
- Airflow Monitoring
- Clean Ducts
- Low Maintenance
- Heat Recovery
- Fire Tested
- BMS Integration
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